Monday, April 26, 2010

Wickersham Dome Attempt One and Stove Review

Today was my first walk on Summit Trail which leads to Wickersham Dome.  There isn't much that can be said.  I've tried to do the scenery justice with pictures, but I don't think I've come close.  For the most part the trail is very easy to follow.  Where it blends some there are rock piles or tri-pods marking the correct direction.  Pretty much the entire trail consists of mud up to the first hilltop.  There was a bone on one of the drier sections.  After that snow started to gradually appear in greater quantities.  Once it got knee high I fought with it a bit, but I was wearing thin pants and my legs and feet were freezing.  Unfortunately my ski pants were not with me or I may have continued.  In about a month I'll make another attempt.  By then the mud should be dry and the snow should be gone.

When I reached the first hilltop I decided to have lunch.  It was a comfortable spot with rocks that sort of made a seat facing the hills and mountains in the distance.

Recently I decided to try out an Esbit stove.  It was quite windy and neither my lighter nor my fire starter were able to light the fuel tablet.  After about five minutes I decided to go to my trust worthy MSR PocketRocket.  One strike of the fire starter and I was in business.  In short I think the Esbit fuel may take a little to get started.  Granted with a little more patience and better wind protection the fuel tablet may have started, but that is already a huge point against it compared to the MSR stove.  Where Esbit stoves win are in weight, price, and waste.  MSR's PocketRocket costs about $40 compared to about $10 for an Esbit stove with 6 fuel tablets.  For extended outdoor stays it may not be as bad to have the MSR stove but for an overnighter a can of isopro is overkill.  They appear massive compared to the tiny Esbit tabs.  Then there is waste.  The only waste from the Esbit fuel is the blister packing.  With MSR you have that pesky can.  I'll give it another try in the future to be fair but for now my MSR stove continues to come with me because despite Esbit being better for ultralight packing, at least my MSR stove turns on.


  1. Have you had a chance to use the fire starter in -20? Just wanted to test what the dude told me :)

  2. It is already too warm to test that. Considering that the sparks are at about 3000C I doubt it would be a problem. It started my Isopro stove with one strike.
