Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In the Inn.

I've decided to relax some and splurged on a hotel.  I'm staying at a Budget Inn that looks unique compared to the others I've seen .  When I arrived I noticed a few guys working on some wood outside.  Walking up to the reception desk I observed it was unattended.  One of the workers that was noticed outside walks in with a toolbelt on and asks "Can I help you?".  "I'd like to know rates and if there are any vacancies." I replied expecting him to go find the attendant.  To my surprise he walks behind the counter, fires up the computer and gives me the required information.  It's a pretty neat Inn with two computers in the lobby for guests to use, free wi-fi, and laundry.  There are daily, weekly, and soon to be monthly rates for the rooms.  Surprisingly the monthly rate is reasonable.  Given that the rooms are furnished and contain a small fridge, microwave, and TV this would be a good place to live should I remain in Grand Forks.  I let him know that I may be staying one more day and he gave me his business card so that a room could be reserved once I knew.  On it was the name of his PC repair and sales business.  It's a rare occurance to run into a hotel attendant that handles most aspects of the business.  In my opinion that is a great way to run any job.  It keeps management in touch with the way things really work.

1 comment:

  1. Well looking at the lack of cars in the parking lot explains why someone working there would have to be a 'jack of all trades'. The level of competence/skills and friendliness that people have seems to increase the further North you go. lol
